Heritage Christian School – New Brunswick


Heritage Christian School uses Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.)

Whether the student is a high achiever, a moderately paced learner, or a slow learner, the A.C.E. educational process begins at the exact level determined by the child’s ability. This is individualization, making it possible for each student to master the subject matter before moving on. Such mastery is the foundation upon which all future learning is built.

Core academic subjects include Math, English, Word Building (spelling), Literature & Creative Writing, Science and Social Studies. Individual instruction in French is provided.

Each student entering the A.C.E. program at HCS is given diagnostic tests in Math, English, Reading, and Spelling to determine skill and concept mastery. After testing, the student is prescribed curriculum that meets and challenges at his/her achievement level.

Students assume responsibility for their own learning through controlled personal goals. Each student learns at the pace he/she is capable of attaining. This eliminates the pressure to keep up with a class or become bored while being held back by others.

Five Laws of Learning

The educational concept of A.C.E. was built on five basic laws of learning:

  • Students must be at subject levels where they can perform.
  • Students must set reasonable goals.
  • Students must be controlled and motivated.
  • Learning must be measurable.
  • Learning must be rewarded.

To learn more about the A.C.E. program, visit: https://www.aceministries.com/curriculum